Throne’s Crowd Funding Campaign at StartEngine Achieved beyond Our Expectations

We are happy to announce that Throne’s Equity Crowdfunding Campaign was closed yesterday, successfully raising more than enough money to kickstart our Clinical Trials at Throne Biotechnologies (Throne). We sincerely appreciate all 102 investors for their generosity towards funding the new practical cure for type 1 diabetes and alopecia areata. Our appreciation also goes out to all the wonderful Staff members at Start Engine for their strong support and friendly service during the entire process from our first investor to our last. Your support and prayers have made it possible for us at Throne to find a cure for type 1 diabetes and for all autoimmune diseases.

 Our next focus of operations is gears towards starting our clinical trials using Stem Cell Educator therapy for the treatment of type 1 diabetes and alopecia areata.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

 ----Dr. Yong Zhao, MD, PhD (Founder and CEO of Throne)